
Career at DEKRA Event & Logistic Services

Become part of our team.

We are always looking for motivated people who can enrich our team. Would you like to pursue a career in the field of human resources services? We look forward to your message.

We are currently looking for:

  • There are currently no internal job offers available!


DEKRA Event &
Logistic Services

Contact us!
We are excited to meet you perso­nally!


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Current news from our group of companies

IKEA Midsommer

IKEA Midsommer

IKEA Midsommer IKEA und DEKRA ELS starten in den Midsom­merUnser Team hat fleißig mit angepackt! Wir haben unserem Kunden INITI­ALWERK 2023 bei der Planung und Umsetzung der IKEA Midsommar Aktivi­täten unter­stützt! Als Team haben wir unter anderem bei der Promotion, der…

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Sie sind auf Jobsuche
oder benötigen passendes Personal?

Willkommen am Ziel!


Are you looking for an
exciting job in the event,
promoter sector or would
you like to earn something
extra alongside your studies?

Personnel request

We provide you with
profes­sional personnel for
events and promo­tions.